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counselling FAQ

Frequently asked questions

Are you registered?

Yes I am a clinical member of PACFA.

PACFA The Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia (PACFA) is a leading national peak body for the counselling and psychotherapy profession.

PACFA’s clinical members are highly experienced counsellors and psychotherapists with a Bachelor degree level or above plus at least 750 client contact hours. They are bound by a code of ethics and yearly registration requirements including criminal history, clinical supervision, continuing professional development. More information can be found on Community Resources (

Why is the therapist and client relationship so important?

One of the main determinants of successful therapy is the client’s personal connection with the therapist. This forms the basis for any assessment and intervention(s) used by the clinician to facilitate change and empower clients. Before we start you and I will have a 15 minute conversation on the phone about what your looking for and its an opportunity to gauge from your side if you would like to book in a session. Throughout the sessions we will discuss if the therapeutic  process is working to help you achieve your goals. You are under no obligation to continue, at any time you can decide if it’s not working to end.

Are the sessions confidential?

Yes they are in the sense it’s a safe place for you to explore feelings, emotions and thoughts however confidentiality is limited when there are risks to the safety of the client or others. If there is risks to your safety or others I will talk to you about this in more detail.

What is the difference between counselling and psychotherapy?

PACFA's College of Counselling has developed this definition of counselling:

Professional counselling is a safe and confidential collaboration between qualified counsellors and clients to promote mental health and wellbeing, enhance self-understanding, and resolve identified concerns.

Clients are active participants in the counselling process at every stage. Counselling may be short term or long term.

Counsellors are fully present with their clients, using empathy and deep listening to establish positive working relationships. Counselling is effective when clients feel safe, understood, respected, and accepted without judgement. Counselling is a profession with a strong evidence base. Counsellors use empirically supported interventions and specialised interpersonal skills to facilitate change and empower clients.

PACFA's College of Psychotherapy has developed this definition of psychotherapy:

Psychotherapy is a holistic engagement that focuses on the mental, emotional, relational or spiritual health of a human being. It is useful when psychological, developmental, relationship and wellbeing issues arise in life. A psychotherapist engages with a person to build understanding and acceptance of how the person makes meaning of their life.

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